FactcheckHealthsoft palate

08/01/2020by BoldThemes0

The roof of the mouth consists of the hard and soft palates. Positioned behind the hard palate, which supports the teeth and gums, the soft palate is located at the back of the mouth.

Unlike the hard palate, the soft palate lacks bone structure and is composed of soft tissue. Extending from the soft palate is the uvula, a fleshy projection visible when the mouth is open. The uvula’s role is to obstruct the nasal cavity during eating or drinking.

Comprising muscles and tissue, the soft palate is characterized by its mobility and flexibility. During swallowing or sucking, it effectively seals off the mouth from the throat, preventing food from entering the respiratory tract. Additionally referred to as the muscular palate or the velum, the soft palate serves crucial functions in oral physiology.

Written by:
Christine Frank
Factcheck, Health

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